Property Details
Eddleston EH46 7BQ
A sizeable block of young mixed broadleaf and conifer woodland with a high level of amenity
Commercial Sold - Eddleston
Ruddenleys Woodland Plantation is set in an elevated position with views mainly to the north east over open countryside, with mature commercial forestry adjoining to the south west and south east. It was planted in 2017/2018 as a mixed woodland with native broadleaves, complimented with a sizeable area of mainly sitka spruce. The scheme has been carried out under Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) funding on newly planted ground with replanting on additional, previously clear-felled ground. The plantation is offered for sale with the FGScontract in place and has maintenance payments available up to 2023.
The plantation has been fully deer fenced in two main blocks with an access road separating the two blocks. The access track dividing the two lots is not included within the sale, with access rights provided over it in favour of both plantation lots for sale.
The land lies at a height of approximately 280m to 340m above sea level and retains a mainly easterly and northern aspect, on the northern edge of the adjoining mature Cloich Forest.
A number of small ponds add to the overall amenity and offer the opportunity for duck flighting, fishing or other recreational activities.
The plantation is offered for sale as a whole or in two lots.
Photographs taken – May 2020

Ruddenleys Woodland Plantation lies within the Scottish Borders, close to its northern boundary with Midlothian, approximately eighteen miles south of Edinburgh city centre and within a highly regarded and productive timber producing area. The plantation is shown on the location and sale plans within these particulars and can be found on OS Sheet 1:50,000 Number 73, Grid Reference NT 210505.
From Edinburgh, head south on the A701 to the Leadburn Junction and continue straight on, heading for Peebles. Approximately four and a half miles from Leadburn, turn right onto the “Shiplaw/Lamancha” “C” classified road and continue on this road up the hill for approximately half a mile. At the crossroads, continue straight on (no signpost). Follow the road approximately half a mile until you reach “Cloich Farm” road end. The public road terminates at this point, but continue straight on along the forest road for another half mile until you reach the gateway to Ruddenleys (not signposted). Continue straight on (downhill over Cowieslinn Burn and uphill past a small quarry) to reach the plantation. From Peebles, take the A703 north and continue through the village of Eddleston. Approximately one mile north of Eddleston turn left onto a “C” classified road, signposted “Shiplaw/Lamancha” and follow the directions as above. Please note that while this route (points C-B on the plan) is currently the used access route, access rights along this adjoining forestry road from the “Cloich” public road are not held in title.
Post Code: EH45 8RA- (the plantation is located northwest of this post code). It is strongly recommended that you do not rely on a Satnav in this rural location and check on a route map prior to any scheduled viewing.
FGS payments total £12,172 per annum and are payable until and including 2023. A FGS contract (dated 7 April 2017) (Contract reference 17FGS514738-001) is in place and relates to 45.33 Ha of Woodland Creation. This contract and payment of £12,172 per annum will be apportioned and assigned to the purchaser, along with apportioned rights to receive the 2022-2023 annual payments.
Parts of the plantation being sold are subject to a carbon sequestration contract between the seller and Forest Carbon Ltd and they are undergoing certification to the UK Woodland Carbon Code (WCC), with a project start date of 1 May 2018 and a contract term of 50 years. This will result in a total scheme claimable carbon sequestration of 10,881 tonnes of CO2 over the contract period. The contract covers a total area of 45.76Ha, of which 44.14 Ha comprises the net planted area. This area includes areas outwith the plantation being sold. The remaining 30% payment (£7,764) will be payable on satisfactory Woodland Carbon Code verification, which will take place in 2023 (5 years from completion of planting).
Apportionment of the Carbon Sequestration Contract will be agreed with a purchaser, who will be obliged to accept assignation of the apportioned Carbon Sequestration Contract (as applicable over the plantation area to be sold) and will indemnify the seller from any future claims arising in relation to that contract following the date of purchase/assignation.
The supervision of planting and overseeing of works has been carried out by Tweed Forum, as part of their “Eddleston Water Project”. As such, the plantation is subject to academic monitoring by Tweed Forum and its project partners. A purchaser will be required to agree to the continuation of this arrangement.
Access rights, in so far as the Ruddenleys Farm title allows, will be granted in favour of the plantation from points “A” to “B” on the plan. Current access from the public road (between points “C” and “B” on the sales plan) is taken over a shared forestry road, forming part of the Forestry & Land Scotland (formerly Forestry Commission) owned Cloich Forest. The plantation does not retain any formal rights of access over this route.
The land is classified by the James Hutton Institute for forestry land use purposes as Classes F5 and F6.
The land is sold subject to and with the benefit of all existing Wayleaves, Servitudes and Rights of Way. The “Cloich Forest” access is a public right of way. The plantation will be sold with the benefit of, and subject to, all existing rights and burdens within the title.
Sporting rights are included.
The external plantation boundaries are recently deer-fenced and are to be maintained at the sole expense of the plantation title holder. Internal fencing comprises old stock fencing in places.
Mineral rights are included in the sale, so far as the seller has title to them.
Viewing is possible at any time during daylight hours so long as potential purchasers are in possession of a set of these sale particulars. Please contact the Selling Agents in advance of your visit to arrange a viewing. For your own personal safety, please be aware of potential hazards when viewing. Viewing is carried out entirely at the viewer’s risk.
An information pack, including copies of key documents, will be available on request from the selling agents to all those who note interest through their solicitor and can provide acceptable proof of funding.
To comply with current Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, any offer presented must be accompanied with Notarised/ certified photographic evidence of the purchaser’s source of funding; identity; and separate evidence of the purchaser’s residential address, or the offering parties must attend our offices with the original documents, before any acceptance of the offer can be confirmed and the property put “Under Offer”.
Waverley Chambers, Ladhope Vale, Galashiels, TD1 1BW
Tel: 01896 800800
Scottish Borders Council
Newtown St Boswells
T: 01835 824000
South Region
Tel: 0300 067 6900
Lot 1 – Offers Over £145,000
Lot 2 – Offers Over £95,000
As A Whole – Offers Over £240,000
Property Features
- Land is 139 acres